Saturday, July 19, 2014

Who Can Invest in the Philippines Stock Market?

When I shared my stock market investment to one of my friend here in New Zealand, by the way, I am currently a resident of New Zealand but I was able to buy stocks from the Philippines. Some of you might ask, why am I still investing in the Philippines stock market to think that I can already enter the stock market in New Zealand. The main reason, it will be too risky for me because I don't know somebody here who can tell me what companies should I buy shares with unlike in the Philippines I have the TrulyRich Club and Bro. Bo Sanchez who can teach me how to grow my investment in the stock market.

Now going back to my friend to whom I shared my stock market investment journey. She asked me if she can still invest in the Philippines stock market, she told me she didn't apply for a dual citizenship when she got her New Zealand citizenship, meaning to say she is no longer a Filipino national and will be considered as non-resident foreigner in the Philippines. I informed her that she can still invest but there will be some limitations on the stocks that she can buy. That is why I encouraged her to renew her Philippines passport to her advantage.

And for the benefit of those who want to know if they can also invest in the Philippines Stock Market, below are the list of people that are considered:

A. Filipino Citizen. This refers to the Filipino people living in the Philippines and overseas Filipinos around the world.

B. Resident Foreigner. This is a non-Filipino citizen who is temporarily or permanently residing in the Philippines.

C. Non-Resident Foreigner. This is either a non-Filipino citizen or is a citizen of other country.

I hope that the information I presented above helps you in some ways.

P.S. If you want to start your stock market investment, click here. This will prompt you to the other page and will help you decide if you want to gain financial wealth and spiritual abundance.

"The future depends on what you do today" - Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, July 14, 2014

Double Your Money! The Rule of 72...

What is the Rule of 72?

The Rule of 72 determines how long a certain investment will take to double at a fixed annual interest rate. You can roughly estimate how many years it will take for your initial investment to duplicate by dividing 72 into the annual rate of return.

For example, at an annual rate of return of 12% it will take 6 years to double your money, see calculations below;

72 / 12% = 6 years

Using the formula above, if you put your money in the bank with 1% annual rate of return you will need 72 years to double that money. Oh my!

For comparison, let's say you have an initial investment of Php100,000. You are ask to choose what annual rate of return you want to receive, you are given 4%, 8% and 12%. Looking at the table below you can compare how many years will it take to double your money;

Did you notice the difference between Php400,000 at 4% rate of return with that of 12% when you reach the age of 61, it's Php6,000,000. That's is equivalent to 20 years salary of a person earning Php300,000 per year or Php25,000 monthly.

The Wider Perspective

For some people, the number of years to double their money seems like a long waiting time. Somehow, it is, but this is where the power of compounding interest comes in. Albert Einstein once quoted, "Compound Interest is the eight wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it...he who doesn't, pays it."

Looking at the above table again, at 12% annual interest rate you've invested Php100,000 and by the time you reach the age of 61 you already have Php6.4 Million, not bad at all.

And here's the catch, if you add  more money to your Php100,000 continuously, the rate of compounding immensely increases.

In addition to this, the earlier you start to invest your hard earned money even just a small amount it will provide more time for your money to multiply. Keep in mind that time can be your greatest asset or worst nightmare. It is you and always you who have control over your future. Choose to act now!

If you are interested in investing in the Stock Market, join me in the TrulyRichClub.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Are You A Neophyte In The Stock Market?

It doesn't matter if you're a first time investor, what matters is that you look for someone who can teach you how to invest specifically in the stock market.

Find a mentor who can teach and guide you on how to invest in the stock market. If you want to take the challenge, my mentor, Bro. Bo Sanchez can teach you how to do it. Don't delay because this could be an opportunity for you to gain financial freedom and become a multi-millionaire. Welcome to the club and happy investing!

Click the link below for your financial success,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Want To Retire A Multi-Millionaire?

At first I had doubt if I'll be successful in investing in the stock market but with the guidance of Bro. Bo Sanchez through the TrulyRichClub I was able to do it.

Like me, I know you have questions in mind that you want to be answered regarding the stock market investment. I want to share with you one of  Bro. Bo's inspiring article in which he answered some questions of his employees regarding investing in the stock market.

The Secret of Retiring Rich: Money-Cost -Averaging 

by Bo Sanchez

I just to give you a little follow-up on how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund.
Let me tell you a story.
Last week, I talked to my 80+ employees.
From managers to janitors.
I loved it.
Because I don't see them often.
Obviously, my staff was wondering why I was meeting them.
I took the microphone and announced, "I'm here to make sure that when you retire, you retire as multi-millionaires."
For the whole morning, I taught them how to invest in the Stock Market.
Janitors. Messengers. Clerks. Managers. Everyone.
Basically, I shared the stuff I wrote in my Ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market...And Why You Should, Too! (Note: I give this away to my TrulyRichClub members.)
But yesterday, I also was able to answer their questions.
I'm sharing some of my answers to you below.
Because they might be your questions, too.

Now for those great questions they gave me...
Question: "My father lost money in the Stocks. How can I be sure I won't lose my money, too?"
Bo Sanchez: Your father is normal . Statistics say that 85% of people lose their money in the Stock Market. Because they were trading. Most likely, your father was trading. But today, I'm not talking about trading the Stock Market. Trading means buying and selling stocks constantly, trying to "time" the market. That should be left to experts. I'm talking about long-term investing. Ten or twenty years. This is the right way of investing, and I'll teach you how to do that.

Question: "Will my Stocks grow at 20% every year?
Bo Sanchez: No, it won't. For example: One year, your investments will fall by 20%. The following yaer it will rise by 30%. The next year, it falls by 10% . And so on. It'll be a roller-coaster ride. But if you put tiny amounts of money every month over a ten or twenty year period , the average growth will most likely be 20% per year IF - and that's a big IF - you follow the simple money-cost-averaging strategy I'll teach you.

Question: "Is that realistic? 20% average growth?
Bo Sanchez: Stock Market Analysts didn't pull this figure out of thin air. They base this projected growth on past history. They backtracked 20 years ago. This is what they found out: If a person invested small amounts of money every month in top-notch, solid, great companies, the average yearly growth is 20% . That's the power of money-cost-averaging.

Question: "What money-cost-averaging again?
Bo Sanchez: Investing small amounts of money each month over a period of ten to twenty years. Only in great companies. Money-cost-averaging is the secret of the wealthy.

Question: "You tell me to invest in great companies. But I'm not an expert. I don't know if a company is great or not."
Bo Sanchez: I'll tell you what these great companies are. In fact, I already wrote a list of these companies in my Ebook, My Maid Invest in the Stock Market...And Why You Should, Too! Stock Market Analysts study all the companies in the Stock Market. That's all they do the whole day. I simply pass this information to you.

Question: "But don't great companies also go bankrupt?"
Bo Sanchez: Some of them do. But that's why analysts watch these companies like a hawk. If you're a member of my TrulyRichClub, I'll send you my monthly Stocks Update. Through my newsletter, I'll warn you if you stop investing in a particular company, sell your shares there, and invest in another company.

A Company Of Multi-Millionaires

After my talk, it was pretty noisy.
Everyone was talking, asking questions, and filling out application forms.
My 80+ employees were filling out their Citiseconline application forms, asking help from one another.(Note: Citiseconline is our preferred online broker. They're the best. they also have a "missionary" goal of helping "smaller" people learn to invest.)
I also instructed Weng, my Chief Accountant, to offer the entire staff "automatic salary deduction" each month - so they won't forget. This is voluntary of course. But many took the offer.
I thank God I'm the boss. I can do things like this. I told them, "When you retire from this company, you'll get the usual retirement pay employees get. But don't depend on it. Because it's very small. It won't last. But if you invest the way I'm telling you to invest, you're creating your very own Retirement Fund. Even if you just invest P2,500 a month, you may end up having P5M in 20 years."
That day, my 80+ employees went back to their work happy. Very happy.
Because they're taking charge of their financial future.
Now here's my question: Are you?
I pray so.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

PS. I'm Committed To Make You Rich, But Are You? I've learned that there's a big difference between wishing to be rich and committed to be rich. If you're committed to becoming rich, I'm personally inviting you to join my Truly Rich Club. Aside from changing your money mindset, I'll talk about how to use the Stock Market to create your very own multi-million Retirement Fund. Don't delay.
Sign up now! For more details, click here.
PS2. Not living in Manila? I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live-here or abroad. How? Join the TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you'll receive my twice-a-month Audio PowerTalks, my weekly WealthStrategies newsletter, and a collection of my Ebooks brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful Ebook, My Maid Invest In The Stock Market...And Why You Should, Too! You'll also receive my monthly Stocks Update newsletter to guide you on how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks. Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don't wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, log on at
TrulyRichClub  /now.

Cheers! :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Like Me I Want You To Be Financially Blessed, Too!

Being a member of the TrulyRichClub was really an amazing experience. I couldn't imagine that by joining the club I would be blessed more than I've ever expected.

What triggered me to invest in the stock market? It all started when I resigned in the company that I've served for 15 long years. When I got my final paycheck I was really shock on the amount that I saw. And I ask myself, if I live for another 15 years will this amount be enough to support me and my family and my answer is a big "OH NO!".

I'm glad that here I am now leaving with my family in the land of milk and honey. And although I'm still working here but now I know that I'll be having a great future not only for me but for my family. Now that I know how to invest in the stock market I have all the opportunity to save for my hard earned money.

I know that this is God's plan for me, why I'm experiencing this financial freedom now because this is what His will to me. And because of this, one of my dreams is now coming true, to be a blessing to the less fortunate. I'm really thankful to God. He is really true to His promise, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I want to thank Bro. Bo as well for being my financial and spiritual mentor. God used him for me to have this financial literacy.

And my wish is for you to experience what I'm experiencing this very moment, I want you to be wealthy financially and spiritually. You may opt to click the link below or choose to be trapped in poverty forever. The choice is yours.


Creating Wealth: A Review From The Truly Rich Club

Are You Ready To Be A Member Of The Truly Rich Club?

What is the Truly Rich Club?

A Truly Rich Club is a site where members are taught on how to gain financial wealth and at the same time spiritual abundance. 

Who Can Join the Truly Rich Club?

The club is for all individual who want to change their financial status. 

This is for people who wants to create wealth financially and spiritually in order to be an instrument of God's blessing to other people.

This is not for people with a rich-quick mindset.

What Benefits Can You Get From The Club?

When you join the club you will automatically receive the following blessings:
  • Stocks Update -  a newsletter that provides information on recommended stocks, the current and target stock price, the buy below price of stocks and the time when to sell the stocks.
  • Wealth Strategies - a newsletter that talks about practical action-plans on how to grow in your financial life.
  • Power Talks - inspirational messages that gives encouragement, inspiration and soul enrichment.
  • Success Mentor - an interview with successful people and mentors.
  • God Whispers - an insightful message from God for you.

You can also download the free ebook "My Maid Invest in the Stock Market...And Why Should, Too! by Bro. Bo Sanchez. 

How To Be A Member?

To be a member you need to register and pay a membership fee. And if during the first month of your membership you are not satisfied with your purchase Bro Bo. will return all your money. No questions asked and you can all keep the great materials that he sent you as a gift.

But if you are now ready to gain financial wealth and spiritual abundance, then click the link below...