Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Like Me I Want You To Be Financially Blessed, Too!

Being a member of the TrulyRichClub was really an amazing experience. I couldn't imagine that by joining the club I would be blessed more than I've ever expected.

What triggered me to invest in the stock market? It all started when I resigned in the company that I've served for 15 long years. When I got my final paycheck I was really shock on the amount that I saw. And I ask myself, if I live for another 15 years will this amount be enough to support me and my family and my answer is a big "OH NO!".

I'm glad that here I am now leaving with my family in the land of milk and honey. And although I'm still working here but now I know that I'll be having a great future not only for me but for my family. Now that I know how to invest in the stock market I have all the opportunity to save for my hard earned money.

I know that this is God's plan for me, why I'm experiencing this financial freedom now because this is what His will to me. And because of this, one of my dreams is now coming true, to be a blessing to the less fortunate. I'm really thankful to God. He is really true to His promise, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I want to thank Bro. Bo as well for being my financial and spiritual mentor. God used him for me to have this financial literacy.

And my wish is for you to experience what I'm experiencing this very moment, I want you to be wealthy financially and spiritually. You may opt to click the link below or choose to be trapped in poverty forever. The choice is yours.


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